German and international mags for record collectors.
From the sixties until today.
The straight tip: GoodTimes
A German magazine called GoodTimes, formerly specializing in Sixties-Acts, has turned into an important magazine for friends of progressive rock varieties and classical hard rock as well - especially after the take-over by rock expert Fabian Leibfried. GoodTimes offers (provides) an extensive review section in which new releases and reissues are treated in detail.
Topics of the latest number you will find her here:.
More recommendable German mags:
- Rocks (Newcomer mag featuring good reports)
- Eclipsed (formerly Pink-Floyd-Fanzin)
- Rolling Stone (German Version)
- Progressive Newsletter (a must read for fans of Newprog)
Recommendable international maginzines:
- Record Collector (leading British mag for serious collectors )
- UNCUT (many reviews and good reports)
- Rolling Stone (no comment)
- Mojo (good specials)